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CAMAC Error Codes
Error Code Description
184123404 ERR101 The version number of the driver does not match the version number found in the Header. Check to make sure all the software is all at the same version number.
184123412 ERR102 The length of the Data Buffer is greater than the specified size of the Data Buffer.
184123420 ERR103 The Header size does not match the Header size of current version.
184123428 ERR104 The length of the CAMAC Command List is greater than the specified size of the CAMAC Command List.
184123436 ERR105 The Status Buffer size does not match the Status Buffer size of the current version.
184123444 ERR106 The process does not have either read or write access to the Data Buffer. Chech that the Data Buffer has been properly declared.
184123452 ERR107 The system does not have enough contiguous Real Time Page Table Entries to double map the Data Buffer. The number of Real Time Page Entries can be changed by modifying the Sysgen parameter REALTIME SPTS.
184123460 ERR108 The process does not have a big enough Working Set to lock down the Data Buffer.The Working Set size can be changed by modyfing the Authorize parameter WSquo.
184123468 ERR109 Unknown VMS error while trying to lock the CAMAC Control List into memory.
184123467 ERR110 Unknown VMS error while trying to lock the Data Buffer into memory.
184123484 ERR111 Unknown VMS error while trying to lock the Status Buffer into memory.
184123492 ERR112 The CAMAC Control List does not have enough space at the end for the CAMAC driver to insert a number of halt instructions. The length of the CAMAC Control List must be so four Halt instructions can be added.
184123500 ERR113 The Data Buffer has a length of zero but must have a length of at least one. A dummy word must be entered into the Data Buffer.
184123508 ERR114 The driver does not have read access to the Header is over 64K words. Check that the Header has been properly declared.
184123516 ERR115 The size of the Header is over 64K words. Check that the variable specifying the size of the Header has been declared as a long word.
184123524 ERR116 The process does not have either read or write access to the CAMAC Control List. Check that the CAMAC Control List has been properly declared.
184123532 ERR117 The system does not have enough contiguous Real Time Page Table Entries to double map the CAMAC Control List. The number of Real Time Page Table ENtries can be changed by modifying the Sysgen parameter REALTIME SPTS.
184123540 ERR118
184123548 ERR119 The length of the CAMAC Control List is over 64K words. Check that the variable specifying the length of the CAMAC Control List has been declared as a long work.
184123556 ERR120 The CAMAC Control List does not fit in one segment. The CAMAC Control List plus the CAMAC Control List offset cannot fit within one segment.
184123564 ERR121 The size of the CAMAC Control List is over 64K words. Check that the variable specifying the size of the CAMAC Control List has been declared as a long word.
184123572 ERR122 The length of the CAMAC  Control List is over 32K-1 words. The largest CAMAC Control Lits is allowed is 32K-1 words.
184123580 ERR123 The CAMAC Control List has a size of zero but must have a size of at least one.
184123588 ERR124 The process does not have either read or wirte access to the QXE Buffer. Check the address and the size of the QXE Buffer in the Header.
184123596 ERR125 The system does not enough contiguous Real Time Page Table Entries to double map the QXE Buffer. The number of Real Time Page Table Entries can be changed by modifying the Sysgen parameter REALTIME SPTS.
184123604 ERR126 The process does not have a big enough Working Set to lock down the QXE Buffer. The Working Set size can be changed by modifying the Authorize parameter WSquo.
184123612 ERR127 The size of the QXE Buffer does not fit in one segment. The QXE Buffer plus the QXE Buffer Offset cannot fit within one segment.
184123620 ERR128 THe size of the QXE Buffer is over 64K words. Check that the variable specifying the size of the QXE Buffer has been declared as a long word.
184123628 ERR129 The size of the QXE Buffer is over 32K-1 words. The largest QXE Buffer allowed is 32K-1 words.
184123636 ERR130 The process does not have either read or write access to the Status Buffer. CHeck that Status Buffer has been properly declared.
184123644 ERR131 The Sysetm does not have enough contigious Real Time Page Table Entries to double map the Status Buffer. The number of Real Time Page Table Entries can be changed by modifying the Authorize parameter REALTIME_SPTS.
184123652 ERR132 The process does not have a  big enough Working Set to lock down the Status Buffer. the Working Set size can be changed by modifying the Authorize paramoeter WSquo.
184123660 ERR133 The size of the Status Buffer is over 64K words. Check that the variable specifying the size of the Status Buffer has been declared as a long word.
184123668 ERR134 The process does not have either read or write access to the Word Count Buffer. Check the address and the size of the Word Count Buffer in the Header.
184123676 ERR135 THe System does not have enough contiguous Real Timme Page Table Entries to double map the Word Count Buffer. THe number of Real Time Page Table Entries can be changed by modifying the Sysgen parameter REALTIME SPTS.
184123684 ERR136 The process does not have a big enough Working Set lock down the Word Count Buffer. The Working Set Size can be changed by modifying the Authorize parameter WSquo.
184123692 ERR137 The WC Buffer does not fit in one segment. The WC Buffer plus the WC Buffer Offset cannot fit within one segment.
184123700 ERR138 The size of the WC Buffer is over 64K words. Check that the variable specifying the size of the WC Buffer has been declared as long word.
184123708 ERR139 The size of the WC Buffer is over 32K-1 words. The largest WC Buffer allowed is 32K-1 words.
184123716 ERR140 Unknown VMS error while trying to lock the Word Count Buffer into memory.
184123724 ERR141 Unknown VMS error while trying to lock the QXE Buffer into memory.
184123732 ERR142
184123740 ERR143
184123748 ERR144
184123756 ERR145
184123764 ERR146
184123772 ERR147
184123780 ERR148
184123788 ERR149
184123796 ERR150
184123804 ERR201 An illegal command was found in CAMAC Control List.
184123812 ERR202 An Inline CAMAC read was specifyed. Only CAMAC write and control functions can be specified in an Inline CAMAC Control List command.
184123820 ERR203 Illegal LAM type was specified. the legal command types are zero through seven.
184123828 ERR204 A block transfer CAMAC control function was specified. Only CAMAC read and write functions can be specified for a block transfer CAMAC Control List commands.
184123836 ERR205 The remainder of the Data Buffer is too small to hold the datat for the CAMAC block transfer.
184123844 ERR206 A illegal CAMAC word size for the CAMAC device was encountered.
184123852 ERR207 Block transfer timeout. The CAMAC software driver has timed-out becouse the CAMAC hardware has not responded.
184123860 ERR208 Block transfer timeout. The CAMAC software driver has timed-out because the CAMAC hardware has not responded.
184123868 ERR209 Bad interrapt mode.
184123876 ERR210 The QIO request was in some way cancelled.
184123884 ERR211 Out of data error. The Data Buffer was not big enough to hold or accept the data for the single naf.
184123892 ERR212 Error in purging the data-path.
184123900 ERR213 Single transfer timeout. The CAMAC software driver has timed-out because the CAMAC hardware has not responded.
184123908 ERR214 Single transfer timeout. The CAMAC software driver has timed-out because the CAMAC hardware has not responded.
184123916 ERR215 Error in allocating a depth-path.
184123924 ERR216 Error in allocating mapping registers.
184123932 ERR217 Error in purging the data-path.
184123940 ERR218 Error in purging the data-path.
184123948 ERR219 No PHYIO privileges, PHYIO privileges are needed for the operation.
184123956 ERR220 Error in purging the data-path.
184123964 ERR221 Power failer error.
184123972 ERR222 The CAMAC Control List could not hold the enter LAM command.
184123980 ERR223 The CAMAC driver could not allocate enough system memory to book the LAM request.
184123988 ERR224 Invalid CAMAC crate. The CAMAC crate is probably off-line.
184123998 ERR225
184124004 ERR226
184124012 ERR227
184124020 ERR228
184124028 ERR229
184124036 ERR230
184124044 ERR301 Invalid crate number during a CAMAC block transfer operation. The specified crate is not online.
184124050 ERR302 A CAMAC N greater than 23 error has occurred during a CAMAC block transfer operation.
184124058 ERR303 A CAMAC NO-Q error has occurred during a CAMAC block transfer operation.
184124068 ERR304 A CAMAC no-sync error has occurred during a CAMAC block transfer operation.
184124074 ERR305 A CAMAC NO-X error has occurred during a CAMAC block transfer operation.
184124084 ERR306 A CAMAC non-existent memory error has occurred during a CAMAC block transfer operation.
184124090 ERR307 A CAMAC STE-error has occurred during a CAMAC block transfer operation.
184124100 ERR308 A CAMAC time-out error has occurred during a CAMAC block transfer operation.
184124108 ERR309 An undefined CAMAC error has occurred during a CAMAC block trandfer operation.
184124116 ERR310 Invalid crate number during a CAMAC Single transfer operation. The specified crate is not online.
184124122 ERR311 A CAMAC N greater then 23 error has occurd during a CAMAC NAF operation.
184124130 ERR312 A CAMAC NO-Q error has occurred during a CAMAC NAF operation.
184124140 ERR313 A CAMAC no sync error has occurred during a CAMAC NAF operation.
184124146 ERR314 A CAMAC NO-X error has occurred during a CAMAC NAF operation.
184124156 ERR315 A CAMAC NO-X error has occurred during a CAMAC NAF operation.
184124162 ERR316 A CAMAC STE-error has occurred during a CAMAC single transfer operation.
184124172 ERR317 A CAMAC time-out error has occurred douring a CAMAC NAF operation.
184124180 ERR318 An undefined CAMAC error has occurred during a CAMAC NAF operation.
184124188 ERR319
184124196 ERR320
184124204 ERR401 Access violation, either the I/O status block cannot be written by the caller, or the parameters for device-dependent function codes are incorrectly specified.
184124212 ERR402 The specified device is offline and not currently available for use.
184124220 ERR403 Insufficient system dynamic memory is available to complete the service, There are probably no free IRPs, use SHOW MEMORY to see the number of free IRPs.
184124228 ERR404 An invalid channel number was specified.
184124236 ERR405 The specified channel does not exist, was assigned from a more privileged access mode, or the process does not have the necessary privileges to perform the specified function on the device.
184124244 ERR406 The QIO error is unknown to the CAMAC softrware.
184124252 ERR407
184124260 ERR408
184124268 ERR409
184124276 ERR410
184124284 ERR501 Access violation, the device string cannot be read by the caller, or the channel number cannot be written by the caller. 
184124292 ERR502 The CAMAC device is allecated to another process.
184124300 ERR503 Illegal device name. No device name was specified, the logical name translation failed, or the device string contains invalid characters.
184124308 ERR504 The device name string has a length of 0 or has more than 63 characters.
184124316 ERR505 No I/O channel is available for assignment.
184124324 ERR506 The sepcified CAMAC devices does not exist. Check the device string for misspellings or a missing colon and check that the device driver has been loaded.
184124332 ERR507 The process tried to assign a CAMAC device on a remote node. CAMAC operations cannot be performed over a network.
184124340 ERR508 The CAOPEN error is unknown to CAMAC software.
184124348 ERR509
184124356 ERR510
184124364 ERR601 An invalid channel number was specified.
184124372 ERR602 The specified channel is not assigned or was assigned from more privilaged mode.
184124380 ERR603 The CACLOS error is unknown to the CAMAC software.
184124388 ERR604
184124396 ERR605
184124404 ERR606
184124412 ERR607
184124420 ERR608
184124428 ERR609
184124436 ERR610
184124444 ERR701 An invalid CAMAC subaddress (A) was found. The CAMAC subaddress was either less than 0 or greater than 15(A<0 or A>15).
184124452 ERR702 Invalid mode byte. The mode byte for the Advance Fortran outine is invalid.
184124460 ERR703 An invalid CAMAC block transfer type was found. The legal block transfer type are QSTP, QIGN, ORPT, and QSCN with corressponding values of 0, 8, 16, and 24 respectively.
184124468 ERR704 An invalid CAMAC function Code (F) was found. The CAMAC function code was either less than 0 or greater than 31(F<0 or F>31).
184124476 ERR705 An invalid CAMAC Crate controller function was found. The valid CAMAC crate controller function are INIT, CLEAR, SETINH, CLRINH, and ONLINE with corresponding values of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively.
184124484 ERR706 An invalid CAMAC slot number (N) was found. The slot number was either less than 1 or greater than 30(N<1 or N>30).
184124492 ERR707 Invalid LAM type.
184124500 ERR708 Invalid priority.
184124508 ERR709 A CAMAC block transfer control operation was specified which is invalid. Only CAMAC Read or Write block transfer are allowed. The function code (F) for the block transfer was (8<= F<=16 or 24<=F<=31).
184124516 ERR710 In-line read NAF.
184124524 ERR711 Data buffer too small.
184124532 ERR712 Command List too small.
184124540 ERR713 A CAMAC block transfer with a block size of zeor was found. A CAMAC block transfer must have as size of at least one word.
184124548 ERR714 A CAMAC block transfer with a block  size of over 32K-1 words was found. A CAMAC block transfer cannot have a block size greater than 32K-1 words(16bits).
184124556 ERR715
184124564 ERR716
184124572 ERR717
184124580 ERR718
184124588 ERR719
184124596 ERR720