LABCOM group is responsible for the LHD data acquisition and archiving system called the LABCOM System. Here, we provide various kinds of data related support for the LHD staffs and collaborators in data acquisitions and managements, and also in remote participation for the experiment. For more information, click the links for what you'd like to see or do.
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Contact : LABCOM
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Please be sure to read the above policy before entering and sending personal information from any forms.

Method of Saving General-purpose Data

It is possible to register and store any block (raw) data individually collected, any binary array data as array data which occurred after primary processing and experiment parameter, etc.
Please save data by following procedure.

Did you apply for new data name registration?


Please apply for new data name registration for dbStore according to this procedure.



Do you use software(PV-WAVE/IDL)?


Application programming interfaces for utilizing dbStore with software other than PV-WAVE/IDL are provided as DLL format. For more details, please select from the start menu → program → LABCOM Retrieve+dbStore, then, refer to the "dbstoreEXE Manual".



Store data


Method of storing data


Start PV-WAVE or IDL.


Start the shot data registration (dbsOpen)


Start the shot data registration.

dbsOpen, MailAddress, DiagName, ShotNumber, SubShotNumber, DataType, code

Mailaddress: Mail address of user
* Please specify the correct mail address because this address is necessary for deleting data.
DiagName: Name of data (Name of diagnostics) ('Bolometer', 'Magnetics', 'Halpha', ...)
* Please specify the name of data (name of diagnostics) registered when registering data.
ShotNumber: Shot number
SubshotNumber: Sub shot number
DataType: Type of data('RAW','ANA'...)
code: Answer of function
When 0: Normal completion
When other than 0: Abnormal completion
Please select from the start menu → program → LABCOM Retrieve+dbStore, then, refer to the "dbstoreDLL error code table"

e.g.) dbsOpen, '', 'LABCOM', 60000, 1, 'RAW', code


Storing parameter (SetParam)


Store optional parameter.
When not using parameter, this process is not necessary. So please go to storing channel data.

  1. Before summoning SetParam function, prepare character array (3*number of parameters stored) for storing parameters.

    e.g.) pParamArr = STRARR(2*3)

  2. Store parameters.
    SetParam, pStrArr, KeyName, Value, ValType, code

    pStrArr: Character array of stored parameter
    KeyName: Name of parameter
    Value: Value of parameter
    ValType: Specify type of parameter in character
    * Small letter and abbreviated form are not available.
    e.g.) integer←×、INT←×、INTEGER←○
    code: Answer of function
    When 0: Normal completion
    When other than 0: Abnormal completion
    Please select from the start menu → program → LABCOM Retrieve+dbStore, then, refer to the "dbstoreDLL error code table".

    SetParam, pParamArr, 'Range', 5.0, 'FLOAT', code
    SetParam, pParamArr, 'ClockSpeed', 100000, 'INTEGER', code



Storing channel data (dbsWrite)


Store optional channel data.
Any type data (integer type, floating point type, etc) is able to be stored.

dbsWrite, pParamList, pDataArray, code

pParamList: Parameter data
pDataArray: Channel data
code: Answer of function
When 0: Normal completion
When other than 0: Abnormal completion
Please select from the start menu → program → LABCOM Retrieve+dbStore, then, refer to the "dbstoreDLL error code table".

* Number of channel is assigned sequentially from 1 every summoning of dbsWrite function.
* When registering channel data and data which has not parameter, please use variable name “null”. Because of this, do not use “null” as variable of storage data and storage parameter.


  • When using parameter data and channel data,
    pDataArr = INDGEN (1024*31)
    dbsWrite, pParamArr, pDataArr, code

  • When using parameter data and not using channel data,
    dbsWrite, pParamArr, null, code

  • When not using parameter data and using channel data,
    pDataArr =INDGEN(1024*31)
    dbsWrite, null, pDataArr, code


Repeat as times as the number of registered channel


Repeat storing parameter and storing channel data as times as the number of registered channel.


Completing transmission and registration of data (dbsClose)

Complete transmission and registration of data.

dbsClose, code

code: Answer of function
When 0: Normal completion
When other than 0: Abnormal completion
Please select from the start menu → program → LABCOM Retrieve+dbStore, then, refer to the "dbstoreDLL error code table".
Confirming data  
Method of data confirmation

Confirm data registered by Retrieve. Refer to this for the method of using Retrieve.

e.g.) When using parameter data and channel data

Confirming shot number The shot number table of the stored data can be verified from the data collection search.
The items should be set on the page of search are as follows.
  Diagnostics name: Select the name of data (the name of diagnostics) applied for registration.
  Shot number: Input the shot number registered.
  Storage Media: Select dbStore.

Deleting data You can delete stored data. If you want to delete data, please apply for deleting from here.

If you have any comments or questions about this page, please send them to LABCOM.