LABCOM group is responsible for the LHD data acquisition and archiving system called the LABCOM System. Here, we provide various kinds of data related support for the LHD staffs and collaborators in data acquisitions and managements, and also in remote participation for the experiment. For more information, click the links for what you'd like to see or do.
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Contact : LABCOM
Privacy policy
Please be sure to read the above policy before entering and sending personal information from any forms.
Please input your personal information.
Family name, Given name
Professional Title
Ext. Phone
Please write the information about your utilization.
Kind of Utilization Please choose among follows(plural permitted)
Renting CAMAC rack power source
Wiring in CAMAC room
Carrying equipments in CAMAC room
Name of Machine connected
No. of CAMAC rack
Please write detail of utilization.
Connection to CAMAC rack power source
Name of equipment connected Ampere capacity
Wiring in CAMAC room
Number of wire line
Place of wiring
[e.g.] CAMAC rack #1~CAMAC rack #2
*Detail of wiring root will be informed you later.
Kind of cable
[e.g.] BNC cable, optical fiber cable
Name of diagnostics or signal Please write exactly.
Name of equipment or
connector connected
Please write exactly.

[e.g.] Optical Fiber paths DIAG_DRM1-1
[e.g.] BNC connector NW1-A1
Wiring work period From To
[e.g.] 2000/6/22 (year/month/day)
*Applying for allocating cable lines through shielded ducts is necessary for connecting to BNC connector and applying for usage of optical fiber path is necessary for connecting to optical fiber path, after this application.
Carrying equipment in CAMAC room You can keep your equipment until the last of next March.
If you want to continue beyond it, please apply before it.
Equipment Period
(1) From To
[e.g.] 2000/6/22 (year/month/day)
(2) From To
[e.g.] 2000/6/22 (year/month/day)
(3) From To
[e.g.] 2000/6/22 (year/month/day)
*Applying for allocating cable lines through shielded ducts is necessary for connecting to BNC connector, after this application.

Situation of Application
List of equipments carried in
CAMAC room rack layout plan