LABCOM group is responsible for the LHD data acquisition and archiving system called the LABCOM System. Here, we provide various kinds of data related support for the LHD staffs and collaborators in data acquisitions and managements, and also in remote participation for the experiment. For more information, click the links for what you'd like to see or do.
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CH4INTunique and sequential channel no. of digitizers. Begin with 1.
CATEGORY1STRINGcategory name of diagnostics
NAME1STRINGmeasurement or sensor name(s) in its diagnostic category
TAG4INTchannel no. within a measurement
OBJECT1STRINGobject of measurement
PORT1STRINGLHD port no. where equipment are installed
R(m)5FLOATsensor position in major radius direction
Z(m)5FLOATsensor position in vertical direction
PHI(deg)5FLOATsensor position in toroidal angular direction
FREQ5FLOATsensing frequency
WAVELENGTH5FLOATsensing wavelength
ENERGY5FLOATsensing energy
FILTER5FLOATfiltering factor
GAIN5FLOATamplifier's gain
CALIB5FLOATcalibration factor of the sensor
UNIT1STRINGunit of physical value to be measured
REMARKS1STRINGany comment(s) of this channel
FIL5FLOATfilament current
CALDATA4INTcalibration data number
SI4INTsensitivity current
GI4INTgain current
GV1STRINGGatevalve open or close

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Dommendable type Other usable type

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Family name, given name
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Name of diagnostics
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